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Unconditional Love Box Art

Unconditional Love Box Art - Unconditional Love Box Art
Unconditional Love Box Art - Unconditional Love Box Art
Unconditional Love Box Art - 1

Mamas and their youngsters all have this familial bond, no matter the species. This mother grizzly and her cub exude "unconditional love". This piece of art would make a sweet focal point to a child's bedroom. Each of these aluminum boxes is printed and bent to shape using metal grommets. Edges are 3" deep and create a 2-dimensional object of art. Indoor/Outdoor. Made in the USA. Art by Karen Savory

Product#: A10BX-WS-UNCO
Starting at $246.00

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Karen Savory © Karen Savory, Licensed by Meissenburg Designs, All Rights Reserved.